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Hakodate Workshop
Hakodate Workshop
I and Abe-san conducted Squeak workshop last week in Hakodate Future University. The main part of the workshop was using World-Stethoscope; it is a small device to get external input like luminance, temperature, and voltage. Students made some devices with World-Stethoscope and simple materials like paper cups or balloons.
One student developped a kind of toy that is a computer interface for babies. When a user shaked the device, the luminance sensor reacted its movement, and mon's face became glad in a computer screen.
The goal of the workshop was discussing possibility of user interface. To invent original user interface, each student
exchanged deep ideas of different possibilities of computer devices. That is to say, our workshop was to imagine the feeling of former computer scientists.
Although I regret I couldn't tell how the works by students were exciting, that was good experience for me and Abe-san (this was the first World-Stethoscope workshop for university students).
After the workshop, we have a plan to publish a booklet with the result of the workshop. It is not only for the record of the workshop, it will includes a text for advanced etoy's user.

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